are you sad ? is sadness performed ? ✣ ✣ ✣ 
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2/8/2025 about page retheme for my birthday
1/17/2025 index v3!!!!!!!
11/6/2024 made tutorial for psp video player! can be found on the sources page
8/10/2024 new guestbook + about and blog theme updates
7/29/2024 HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5/16/2024 virus and trip page added
4/21/2024 aoba shrine added
2/27/2024 INDEX V2 LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
1/7/2024 guestbook added also HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!
11/12/2023 added more fanlistings as well as make the slyzuki tab from the morphine page its own page and fixed some performance issues on the morphine and clear shrine ALSO moved quiz results to the about me page
9/27/2023 finished? my about me v2 ☆ still a bit unfinished but its enough to replace my original one
9/4/2023 clear shrine added!
9/1/2023 blog page has been added!
8/25/2023 added the morphine mega shrine check it out!!!!! also made a new music player with the adilene.net player i liked scm but i couldn't have it appearing on other pages anymore sigh
8/20/2023 finished my mini layout update as well as finally making a resources/credits page!!!!
8/19/2023 continued working on layout stuff + switched out/added some new things like images etc
8/18/2023 layout changes nothing too big tho
8/16/2023 added the about me page woaah
8/8/2023 added the shrines page!!!!!!!!
8/1/2023 didn't do too much todqay either but id did add some images and site buttons!!!!! or whatever theyre called idk but i hope to add more soon
7/31/2023 didn't really do much on the home page except for add the self insert thing yayy i DID start working on my about page tho weee
7/30/2023 second day of development done woo!!!! started out shit becuase my site changes wouldn't appear i tried clearing cache reloading 10 billion times and shuttuing done da pc but it still wouldn't work for like an hour anyways made a lot of progress time for bed
7/29/2023 the first day of development!!!!!! most of the format came from a school project but it still took a lot of transferribng it over and vleaning up my absolute dogshit css uwwaaaa i'v ebeen working all day so ig nows a good time to stop ☆ its defenitly not close to being finished but its co,img together nicely !
this website is a wip aaaaaaaa

haaiii im a 18 year old who likes math and codes 4 fun !!!! ive technically been codinf since i was 10 but got into web development when i was 14 and have been wanting to make a neocities ever since !!!
i luuuuuv the color blue and blue characters my absolute favs are idia and ortho shroud from twst and ren from dmmd who youll be seeing a lot of lolz

swagging on neocities since 2023 ✣ neocities profile ✣
da world wide web

i hate the death of subcultures i hate the birth of formated everything i hate the way people act online nowadays i hate it all. the internet has devolved and decayed. everything is twisted and corrupted and makes me sad. i was born in the late 2000s i wont say or pretend i want to go back to that because i dont. i didnt get to experience it. im glad i was born when i was i dont wish to change anything, and despite being younger i still got to apprechiate some of the older aspecs of the internet. so i dont believe its nostalgia or "webcore" "y2k" "neetcore" to say i think a lot of stuff was better how it was. one of the most sad losses for me being forums. also i wish people learned how to use computers again. though the digital days of old are long gone, i think we should take aspects of both the past and present to make a better future for all webmasters, gamers, pirates, and all the pawesome people who stumbled across this site. the web is ours

fuckin psp
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