
who is ren? Ren is one of the main characters from the visual novel DRAMAtical murder and is the protagonist's, Aoba Seragaki's, allmate (robot) compainion. He is an old model in the form of a fluffy, dark blue, Japanase spitz dog who wears a spiked collar with a syringe charm attached on the front.
throughout the story he appears in 3 forms with his first being his dog form, the second being his online virtual form, and the third and final one being his human form he acquires at the end of his route (thats why theres 3 different characters on screen lmao).
- his tongue is never not sticking out
- shockingly deep voice for a tiny dog
- his weird neck hole and crystal
- his syringe is filled with sea water and was a gift from aoba's dad, Nine Seragaki.
- Nine gave it to aoba because he was scared of needles and wanted him to feel better so he filled it with something conforting. The beach was where Nine first found aober and yea very sweet so aoba put it on ren's collar
- in offical art he has been depicted playing the saxophone twice. intertesting
- when he became human he kept some of his dog traits and i think that is very cute
- throughout the franchise he is represented as an angel
Ren has 5 songs throughout the dmmd series, all of which were preformed and written by GOATBED. These include two ending songs from DRAMAtical Murder, one ending song from DRAMAtical Murder Re:connect, one Anime ending song, and one song for his drama cd. Click the play button to listen to each of them! the music player was made by glenthemes ☆ (if the song doesn't play just reload)
De SLASH is Ren's bad ending song from DRAMAtical Murder. It has a run time of 3:48 and was written, compossed, arranged, and preformed by GOATBED.
grind only the same plaid please
keep a net night slide sobs while beating
the wall black out where the nerve is paralyze
de slash la shout mite dark
in the ditch is death clash back nancy infant stage
danse danse danse
trash out trash out decay of a nova
Para Midia is Ren's good ending song from DRAMAtical Murder. It has a run time of 3:23 and was written, compossed, arranged, and preformed by GOATBED.
check it! kisses with a hero without a name
feeling which runs spiral up slide dawn
i wanna be your skeletal lover 淡く脆く敢然
in the motor gadget LA LA LA
i know A HA HA HA
pity he moment this is wrong プラスティックドメスティック
掻き乱すそのタフネス look in the mirror never to be天使
とナイフと相対 I'm a god speeder
i wanna be your skeletal lover 淡く脆く敢然
in the motor gadget
brass fusion complex 君帯びた悲鳴
set you free WA A A A sweet chain 絡まる視線事情 set you free
天使達(Tenshitachi) is Ren's ending song from DRAMAtical Murder: The Animation. It has a run time of 3:48 and was written, compossed, arranged, and preformed by GOATBED.
new age of earth
憂い by 憂い day by day
ch ch changes do you feel?
ch ch changes do you want?
ch ch changes do you do?
一息 飲み込む 胸に煙るジムノペディ
angel trip
funny crime
angel trap
kiss me dead
sur we dance
Deeds, Not Words is Ren's good ending song from DRAMAtical Murder Re:connect. It has a run time of 4:00 and was written, compossed, arranged, and preformed by GOATBED.
You must remember clearly once again I have forgotten
Because the end of the real does not know anyone
Imagine you're only at the moment of the end
I'm living in the day-to-day while look away.
I do think is difficult to face, and I can not even ahead
I wonder How long this time
Today might be the last
Chance to love all.
I'll see you again.
ENDE=NEU is Ren's theme song from DRAMAtical Murder dramaCD volume 05. It has a run time of 4:38 and was written, compossed, arranged, and preformed by GOATBED.
All my shielded pride
This is the life that you arrive to ending the end trivial over and over again
We are grateful that it was meet you at the crossroads
I understand all
I will forgive all
Sing in a glossy cheesy abyss
Find the next fairy tale
Boys of the another dance
Fun and a healthy
All my shielded pride

he is me. and i am him. not even in an i relate to him way. we are one. i am that dog. i am that beast. i am that guy. i absorbed him into my being.