sllyyyyyyyyyy heh... just a look into my twisted mind. a glimpse into my dark fucked up reality..
sly blue, also known as desire or the "other aoba" is dmmds best character without a doubt in my mind.
he is the manifestation of aobas power to destroy things, he is an edgy bitch, and had been suppressed by aoba for years causing him to resent him and the world. in re:codes morphine route he becomes the protagonist by force. throughout dmmd's 3 games and the 2 years between the original dmmd and dmmd re:code, his character was introduced, built up and then finally given a story he deserved. thats the basics
heres a quick kinda summary thing that compiles several aspects of sly for those who dont know him at all sorry if its messy
sly blue is the best dmmd character i dont give a fuck he is such a GOOD CHARACTER he stands out amongst the rest in so many ways. the way he stole the show from aoba and he forcibly took everyone's "happy ending" and said "if i cant have it no one can" but grows to realize it doesn't have to be that way.
in a world of cold and cruel people, theres people who love him regardless of who he is, of what he can and cant control. if people hate you then fuck them. but you won't know whats out there unless you get out there. if the entire world rejects him, who gives a shit. he has people who love him. when he looks at it that way, the world isnt as bad as it seems
when he uses scrap on mizuki its basically the equivalent of killing him but when it doesn't work and mizuki starts to talk about how much he cares about sly he cant take it. this is the moment he realizes someone WANTS him. someone actually wants him and likes him for who he is. and he cant take it. the only words he can say are "shut up" over and over. "shut up, don't talk to me" "Shut up, shut up, don't speak anymore." he can't take it
"This kind of world..." (sly at mizuki) a world where desires are shunned and suppressed. a world that has always pushed him out. aka the only world he knows. the thought of someone contradicting that? impossible. so he does the only thing he can. Destroy.
"You understand, right? I'm 'Desire'. I'm the most basic foundation of all animals. I'll do anything as I like. That's the reason for my existence. If you want to stop me..." "It's the same as asking me to die."
top 10 most thug ass gangsta moments sauced in swag this is his response to aoba when he confronts him on everything basically how aoba and ren shut him out when, while the means were bad killing people is kinda mid, all he was trying to do was protect all of them. protect aoba
what makes sly stand out so much against every other character is that he was justified in every way basically and knew that he was and had the guts to say "fuck you!" to everyone by forcibly making his own route
the only problem is that hes edgy and likes to kill people but that can be forgiven however despite him wanting to kill people hes the most "normal" person in dmmd. he thinks like an actual person and uses common sense. his world view makes sense not just in a "we understand his motives" way but in a "oh thats actually kinda fair" way. desire is a part of every human being so its not fair that he gets shunned for no reason, everything he did was in order to protect "aoba" but he gets shunned for no reason while restraint is praised, etc.
for the first part of morphine, despite being a very edgy bitch, he is so good to watch and to see him talk about his experiences both about the world and his grievances, but also music. he says he only does what he finds interesting, and, in reference to a certain song "can be craze taking no logic", but he holds certain things close. and a certain someone too teehee hehehe tehehe HAHAHAHAHH
tidr sly blue good read my mini blog for more
its hard to explain because you dont know how he was fucked over by aoba and everyone and the game itself unless youve played BOTH dmmd and dmmd reconnect you need the context but yea just trust me hes so good


i had completely forgotten LMAO i didnt get into obsessing over sly until later and had no idea that shiroba was the "first" morphine scenario. and looking at him of fucking course it was sly he has his face and mannerisms
so because i discovered he was lsy i had to see the koujaku bad end re:connect story so i did. the first half is all in koujakus perspective and was really nice to read and then shiroba or sly appears GODDDDDD sly was great as per usual i love his stupid dialogue and the moment he dropped his aoba act was epic. i know sly was so pissed when koujaku knew he wasnt aoba like omfg he was seething
ok so one small thing. this was all before i had downloaded re:connect i was just watching youtube letsplays because i didnt feel like getting it yet and when the sex scene was about to start i stopped watching because i didnt care and i wouldn't have been able to see it anyways. HOWEVER........ 4 months later i played every re:connect route and ending in 1 day and got to see the end of koujakus bad end and was shocked.
when the sex scene over, aobas voice kind of appears like hes calling out to koujaku. in response, sly says "be quiet, aoba" and then i am in shock for 10 minutes because that is one of the most important sly lines ever unironically. one of the biggests pieces of characterization and its only 3 words. he doesn't think of himself as aoba. he knows he isnt aoba. oh my god
so whats the difference between shiroba and morphine sly since they're both scenarios where sly gets full control of aobas body? obviously its the fact that aoba felt so bad about failing scrap on koujaku that he LET sly take over where in morphine sly takes over by force.... HOWEVER the most important difference lies beyond the circumstances behind them and in how they're treated.. maybe its not that important to you BUT IT IS FOR MEE anyways its the fact that sly is accepted as "aoba" in morphine in contrast to being rejected in koujaku bad end.
koujaku left midorijima when aoba was stil young and only came back a few years before the events of dmmd aka past his teens/early adulthood. mizuki knew him from that time and always accepted the "aoba" that sly was

i mentioned slys mannerisms in the last section so i might as well talk about itat first glace aoba and sly look the exact same because yeah they share the same body, with the only differencing being the fact he starts talking about sucking and fucking and killing people. but theres some subtle differences between aoba and sly that i like and trhink about
- eyes. when aoba is using scrap or when sly forcefully(keep this in mind) surfaces, his eyes turn yellow. this is the easiest way to tell... maybe... probably... with the scrap part that makes it a bit inconsistent but like you can tell its sly without it. in morphine, after aoba accepts sly, sly has aobas normal hazel-brown eyes, making it harder to tell at a glance except for the 2 year art style difference that helps too ðŸ˜
- stance. in the original dmmd slys sprites shows him with his hands in his pockets looking down. sly likes to keep his hands in his pockets with a more defensive stance
- face!!!!!!! fav part slys eyebrows are usually furrowed with a cunning smile. FAV EXPRESSION he likes to raise 1 eyebrow and smirk GYAA you can see it in the image above
- clothes. he likes baggier and loser clothes compared to aobas puffy crop jacket and skinny jeans. he likes them a bit darker than bright blue yellow and pink BUT those elements can still be found on him. in his younger outfit he wears a blue, white, orange and pink jacket. the sleeves are white with a bit of orange and the rest of it is mainly blue. looking at it closer, it does appear to be a crop jacket as well hmm... moving on he wears a blue-ish gray shirt with lose jeans along with headphones of course. if you compare it with aobas standard outfit they have a lot of similar elements just with a slightly different presentation which yeah of course they'd have similar tastes.
in morphine its somewhat the same except here he clearly does noty like blaine nut LMAO. the wears the iconic morphine parka over aobas blue shirt bu here its untucked. based on his younger outfit he doesnt like tight clothing which in confirmed here seeing that he removed the studded belt and switched out the skinny jeans for baggy white ones. he also got rid of aobas $1500 blaine nut shoes for blue fake jordans. SUPER COOL ADDITION he likes wearing jewelry!! he can be seen with several rings and bracelets as well as a wallet chain which isnt really jewelry but yknow. finally hes wearing his headphones courtesy of mizuki
with shiroba i dont even know what happened. bro.

yaoi devil
so as we all know, aoba seragki is the yaoi jesus in canon in many ways it is not a joke it is canon. sei is the yaoi antichrist and ren is aobas guardian angel. this is all reinforced throughout dmmd so whta does that make sly. it would have to be the yaoi devil right? which is probably what youre thinking since you read the title of this section and YOURE COMPLETELY CORRECT! thats what i guessed too before reading mink's re:connect bad end story and seeing thats actually what he is gawd damn!.png)

a younger sly

he was right he doesnt sleep around and i was wrong which made me feel bad for like 2 seconds. but it also made me think. if sly never really liked doing that then does he do it now out of retaliation? a "you think im crazy? i'll show you crazy." situation? sly wa sjust a normal guy because he and aoba were still just "aoba" it wasnt until he started getting suppressed and was forcefully separated from aob's identity that he started acting like the joker. like the more he isnt allowed to be himself the more extreme hes gonna be when he gets the chance which is why his actions in mink's route and others happen.
i had misjudged him which reinforces his unfair treatment from those who never put in the effort to try and understand him.

ive already talked so much about morphine that i dont want to spend too much time restating shit READ MY MORPHINE MINI BLOG AAAAND SLYZUKI SHRINE PLEASEEE go through the mini blog for details about slys charactermorphien is so important because its a character redemption on all fronts in canon and metatextually. the original sly blue as he appeared in dmmd was so ass its insane to think about how much he was developed. you could tell fuchii kabura and gang knew they couldve done better and they immediately started trying to improve and expand upon him in re:connect and finally with morphine. morphien is a story about a person being rejected for things they cant help getting accepted for who they are and learning that the world isnt that bad. morphine, and the dmmd games as a franchise, is a story about character who was nothing more than a ghost-like antagonist with 15 minutes of screen time tops being able to become the protagonist and get a happily ever after.
AAAUAUAOUUAAOAAGHhhhh morphiennnn the reason it starts is because sly has a soft spot for mizuki whether he knows it or not. to get to morphine you have to act like you dont care about mizuki up until the mizuki scrap and then sly decides that thats enough and he sends aoba to the shadow realm. AOUAAOUAUUUUUAGAGHH he knew mizuki was one of the only people who treated him well and after losing everything (being suppressed, being shut out, not being able to do what he loves anymore), seeing the person who cared about him about to be forsaken like he was was too much.
his longing for connections is kinda there throughout morphine mainly during the scrap segment and good end BUT ALSO more subtle in the bad end. "This is a mark that belongs to you, one that could no longer be erased… You’re the one who’d put this on me." "There’s no way a tattoo can be completely disposed. This feeling… is not too bad." sly says a tattoo is a sign that he belongs to somethign or someone and goes on to say that he doesnt belong to anyone but when he says its "not so bad" he might growing fond of the idea of being connected to someone.. having someone to belong to.. more importantly having someone that would want him to belong to them.

grap[hics by me DONT HOTLINK any of the images please

deviantart finds 1, 2, 3, 4,

beautiful image collection that rivals the louvre

playlist + damned thing in the rain analysis
dmaned thing in the rain is 100%his song. it is a repurposed version of "zap music #2" the song that plays when sly fully become sthe protagonist in morphine. it represents a time of despair it sounds like a crushing defeat as in sly, desire, wins and aoba is left to dissapear alone in his mind. its so good the somber tone and everything OOAUAGH its not sad but it sounds new which is exactly what it is!!!!!! its a new time and era, one with sly, a new "aoba." its new because it uses sounds not really present in anyothers tracks. the constant "tap tap" sound is like a heartbeat which goes with the chrome medical vibe of morphine and the rythemic tone that everyone lifelessly follows in saddness and where no one here is truly happy
thats my explaination for the og zap music #2 as for damned thing its unfortunate but the only place that had the lyrics no longer exists and i was too stupid to archive them somewhere when i had the chance. all i have is a small screen shot and my memory as well as the OC i made based off the song lmao. BUT WORRY NOT.... i can still piece together the story with its remaining fragments
sly is the damned thing in the rain obviously. hes been damned by everything around him the world and the people closest to him. i always interpereted damned thing as a song about someone burrying their old self, old relationships, old way of thinking etc both literally (sound of digging in the background) and figuratively. i see it as a song with 2 parts: the first one (00:00-2:03), and the second half (rest of it) the first half sounds somber as its mainly zap music #2 along with the sound of digging, almost like a funeral. with lyircs like "someday" "only the worlds blur dream" "chest hurt by love naked" "you and me" makes me think of a person hoping that someday the world and their dreams can blur together, a world where they can be happy, but they were hurt by a naked ,unristricted, form of love that while painful, was only an act of protection. with the last words being "you and me" in a low dark tone, the person burrys who they are what they had and starts a new chapter of their life as it switches to the second half.
oouuuaaaugh i have even less lyrics for this part all i have is my memeory. "damned thing in the rain" the person throws away everything and embraces or accepts being the damned thign in the rain. "fell like a damned thing" the person cant help but feel discouraged heartbroken about what they are. however, its too late to change anything. "darkness cloud burst" a new dark burst of life that the person will no longer hide. with a new vurst of determination they accept what they are.
and with my interpretation in mind i think that this song can be easily applied to sly, not just because of its morphine route music connection, but because it fits him well. its the second song in the music player above give it a listen NOW PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASDE
desktop stuff
sly blue desktop theme i had featuring the sly blue rainmeters that i made heh...AND... my goatbed sly playlist,,,
download them HERE