DAMN!!!!!!!!!! GOD DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! prepare for the most pathetic yaoi of your life AKA slyzuki, mizusly, or whatever the fuck. sly hates his dumb stupid sopping wet cat of a friend mizuki who is currently going through the worst time of his life sly: god my stupid dumb wife is crying again i think i will make his life worse on purpose

he just wants to be free to ruin other peoples lives by destroying their brains and leaving them an unfixable shell of the person they once were but mizuki wont leave him alone Mizuki: I NEED YOU Sly: GOOODDDDDD im gonna kill him
and so he does he is so tired of him he goes to destroy his mind and he thinks he does it correctly unfortunately for him the power of mizukis omnipresent swag overrules all and he survies sly: wh what the fuck h what the fucjk
and omg the kiss. the funniest scene in the entirety of morphine. sly is once again annoyed at mizukis existence so he decides to punch him but while getting up from the bed they were both sitting on he trips and falls into mizukis arms and to make himself look cool he kisses him. he does not elaborate and continues on with his day. mizuki is mortified and cannot go on
in all seriousness i like slyzuki/mizusly a lot and i think it is objetively the best dmmd relationship
a collection of rants taken from my notes or my replay mini blog enjoy
this isnt really slyzuki exclusive but who cares form sweet form isnt for one person ITS BOTH OF THEM ITS FOR BOTH OF THEM also EVERYONE the bad ending is literally everyones bad ending mizuki ren sei koujaku noiz clear mink and AOBA the only one who really wins is sly but we all know its not true happiness
form sweet form is ouh the woah woah woaahhs are everyone crying because they're all suffering now and theres no hope
the song sounds like its saying goodnight to everyone thats why the last line is "sayonara"
"i can be craze. taking no logic. nobody noise" slys line this is sly saying this
DONT GET ME FUCKING STARTED ON THECHIRAL NIGHT VISUALIZER FUUCK one by one it shows everyone losing to darkness the recode cgs show up for each couple and are then taken over by their bad endings and scrap effects
because aoba failed
once they get through everyone it cuts back to aoba in his mind fading out as the "woah woah waaoh" plays its everyone crying and then just as its over sly fades in smiling hes won
morphine isnt just a mizuki route now you can date mizuki too!! option no its not just his route its slys to its the both of them together its about both of them
when he usws scrap on mizuki its basically the equivalent of killing him but when it doesn't work and mizuki starts to talk about how much he cares about sly he cant take it. this is the moment he realizes someone WANTS him. someone actually wants him and likes him for who he is. and he cant take it. the only words he can say are "shut up" over and over. "shut up, don't talk to me" "Shut up, shut up, don't speak anymore." he can't take it
"This kind of world..." (sly at mizuki) a world where desires are shunned and suppressed. a world that has always pushed him out. aka the only world he knows. the thought of someone contradicting that? impossible. so he does the only thing he can. Destroy.
omfg the reason sly took over at the route split and not in the original scene is because he always had a soft spot for mizuki and aoba overlooking him has the last straw omfg
semi unrelated but still connected the difference between shiroba and morphine sly, 2 scenarios where sly takes full control as aoba, is that in morphine mizuki knew what aoba was like during his teens and saw him when he was majority sly and knew him as aoba, validating sly as aoba. while in koujaku re:connect bad end koujaku never saw him when he was majority sly making him deny him, invalidating him and making sly aware that he is not aoba
(when sly trips onto mizuki right before the kiss) "If things don’t go well it’ll only fuel my anger worse so I encircle my arm around Mizuki’s neck, aggressively pulling onto him."
"I need to let him taste bitterness, at the very least."
such a good line ohmygod
what are the chances of us getting a morphine route stage play
I'll give you the answer 0. NO CHANCE. however i am mentally unwell and the choices of god have nwver held me back before
you dont understand how desperate i am for a morphine reconnect route PLEASE recode being released after reconnect is fucked we need it please we need a followup SLYZUKI IS THE ONLY COUPLE THAT DESERVE SEX SXENES PLLLLEEEEEAAAAASSSEEEEEE PLEAAASSSSEEEEEEE was looking back on the stupid kiss sxene anf was like "yInow at least we got that" NO THAT KISSS WAS WEAK AS SHIT I NEED TONGUE I NEED TONGUE I WONT ACCEPT DEATH UNTIL THE BEST DMMD RELATIONSHIP IS TREATED WITH THE RESPECT IT DESERVES!!!!!!!!!!! the bad end cg? SECONDS AWAY FROM DICK ON SCREEN! SECONDS!!!!! ugh thwres a shimmer of hope., in chiral night rhythm carnival mizuki and morphine route is acknowledged in some of the song visualizers and included along side the og relationships and form sweet form even got its own visualizer,.,.,,. tgeres hope.,.,. if only dmmd wasnt a dead franchise BUT THERES HOPE the stage play rerun happened LAST YEAR (2023) but theres still despair who the fuck besides me is yearning for more morphine there is not even in demand it is irrelevant BUT THE 10 YEA ANNIVERSARY PLLLLEEEEEEEEEAAAASSEEEEEEEEEE