

Welcome to Morphine, the elite Rib team and Re:code's very own original route. I love morphine so much that i decided to make this page for it hehe its more than just a shrine to me its wehre i can post all my thoughts about the route and everything surrounding it

What is Morphine exactly? haha. lets just say that uuuuuheeghdhahdjsgjfh sfklaglkfhg sdhfjgsgflaloihweuir uwudg ouuyghh uiws anyways check out the tabs for more info pretty please i worked hard on them

its so laggy omfg



the real shit

Welcome to my re:code/morphine journal!!~! here i will post all my thoughts on it and live update it when i replay the route (box on the right)

  1. why did i get re:code? when i thought about it re:code was the only dmmd game i didn't mind havibng so the next day i downloaded a ps vita emulator and started playing.
    as im writing this i have completed every other route and have morphin eunlocked. i wanted to wait until i had the journal set up so i could write down all my thoughts
  2. ok the real reason for getting re:code i've already watched all the routes and read morphine but theres this one bgm song i NEED to find.
    in re:code's album, append music re:cord, there are 4 tracks: the op , morphine's bad ending song form sweet form which is playing right now, and 2 original bgm tracks which are called zap music #1 and #2.
    both zap musics are very good but whaat really intrigues me is the second one because i have no idea where it couldve possibly been played. I only read the translations of morphine and only looked at a playthough on youtube when i wanted to see a certain thing which happened like twice so yea i need to know because its such an interesting song and one of the only dmmd bgm tracks that have string instrumebntals
  3. fun fact the mizuki and sly sprites in the bottom left corner of the slyzuki tab have the same bpm as feel your noise and sandy weeds 😭
  5. the morphine bad end cg does NOT look like a pregnancy photo IT DOES NOT!!!
  6. i seriously love the morphine logo so much the pink heart i love the colors and how its a stylized romantic heart ?? combined with a real one
    i love the cross and wings and halo the cross is the same one from sei's silent oath game and the overall dmmd theme of Christianity and yaoi Jesus
    also ohmygod the chemical formala for morphine being on the logo is so cool i couldn't tell what it said when i first saw it but when i realized i was like HOLY SHIT
  7. mizukis earings look like cherrys
  8. the slys
  9. this tabs background is from the append music re:cord album sheet thing and its so cool i lov how you can see aobas silhouette behind sly
  10. slys name isnt even sly blue

the re:play

moved to here because this page is on the brink of exploding!!!!!!