
as of september 29th, 2024, Skully J. Graves has existed for 1 singular week and has stolen the hearts of many. his boney charm and bland design have truly hyped us up for the halloween season and all of us are eager to see what he has to offer.
this is being written less than a day before his first appearence, "Lost in the book with Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: begining of Halloween" (yes that is the full title it must be referred to as everytime), drops. we could love him, we could hate him, he could be so unremarkable no one cares, but what truly matters is thaat we have another white emo boy to senselessly obsess over for no reason. thus this page will be detailing the birth, life, and eventual death of Skully J. Graves.
- The second trailer: the reveal
- what happened
- This year, twst decided to something different with their marketing, though there was never really a standard for the recent halloween event trailers besides the abema live stream. Since 2022's glorius masqarade, a new standard has been set for halloween events aka the new disney villan character+gloified hometown event. the event name, card line up, plot, and most importantly, Rollo Flamme, the new disney villan twist, was revealed less than 24 hours before the event dropped. literally insane i still remeber that day like it was yesterday.... moving on.. 2023's stage in playful land went with the direct opposite approach of revealing the event movie theme and sillouettes of the villan twist characters over 3 months before the abema stream.
this year, 2024, the first trailer for this years halloween event was released on september 17th. it didnt show much, but it revealed one big important fact: that this year's event would be based on the nightmare before chirstmas(finally an actual halloween event). not too soon and not too late, we now knew the theme for the event just 2 week sbefore it was set to come out. little did we know... an even bigger reveal was just a week away..
September 22nd, 2024, the second trailer drops on twitter out of no where. at just 40 seconds long, it reveals the new origial character and its no other than RANDOM VTUBER WHITE GUY..??????????!!!!!!!! Gojo Satoru. nux taku. the onceler. joker persona 5. he was compared to every character you can think of. his design was so bland it was embarrasing. this was supposed to be twisted from jack skellington? what? why does his star crwon look like that, his hair looked so basic, there seemed to be an attempt to deviate from standard anime features with the gaps in his teeth but even then that was miniscule. it was so embarrasing, in fact, that the fandom couldn't tell who he was based off of!!!!!!
- This year, twst decided to something different with their marketing, though there was never really a standard for the recent halloween event trailers besides the abema live stream. Since 2022's glorius masqarade, a new standard has been set for halloween events aka the new disney villan character+gloified hometown event. the event name, card line up, plot, and most importantly, Rollo Flamme, the new disney villan twist, was revealed less than 24 hours before the event dropped. literally insane i still remeber that day like it was yesterday.... moving on.. 2023's stage in playful land went with the direct opposite approach of revealing the event movie theme and sillouettes of the villan twist characters over 3 months before the abema stream.
- jack vs. finkelstein debate
- shortly after he was revealed, a few people noticed he shared a shocking resembalence to another nightmare before christmas character, dr. finkelstein. he was white, he had his glasses, crooked teeth, and to top it off, stitches on his head. more and more people started to speculate and eventually agree that he was really twisted from finkelstein.... but what was the truth? I personally still thought he was jack based. he shared similarities with finkelstein but shared even more with jack. his glasses and star crown were meant resemble jacks face (if you turn him upside down), he had lines on his lips, he was wearing a black suit, and he has skeleton gloves. but at the end of the day it just showed how poor of a design it was and it was really fucking funny,
- aftermath and theories
from this point onward i would call him big uke because his name was not revealed yet and it was funny. overall, despite big uke's design's short comings, I was still excited to see what he'd be like. it all depended on his personality and voice. jack was a silly character and i was hoping he'd be the same. based off his design, I and others started developing theories.
1) this events takes place in a different world/deminsion. looking closly at big uke, you could see the line art was different it was smore sketch-like. it was defineately mimicking nightmare before christmas' stop motion style. yea i knew this was true because i saw leaks of the event and everyone's color pallets were different
2) big uke was an influencer/movie horror star. his glasses, expression, and overall vtuber feel mad ehim seem like he was in some form of entertainment. this would be a good way to reflect jack's pumpkin ling title. he would be the #1 horror related yotuber or movie star or director and would be the best at it
3)he doesnt want to be scary anymore/wants to go to rsa. self explainitory its just taken from jacks character
from this point onward i would call him big uke because his name was not revealed yet and it was funny. overall, despite big uke's design's short comings, I was still excited to see what he'd be like. it all depended on his personality and voice. jack was a silly character and i was hoping he'd be the same. based off his design, I and others started developing theories.
- pics
- what happened
- The Third trailer: jack skellington is there
- what happened
on september 28th, a day before the abema stream, the thrid trailer drops and omfg jack skelington is in the fucking trailer.
so if youre unfimiliar with twsisted wonderland, disney characters do not appear in th estory because they're all historical figures/legends and have already died. the only time a disney character has appeard in game along with the main cast(besides mickey), was in the "lost in the book with stitch event. in here the evnt characters get sucked into a book and meet stitch and have fun on the beach but the important thing is that this event opened up an entirely new realm of posibilities. literally."
needless to say after seeing this trailer many people speculated that it was actually going to be a halloween event and lost in the book fusion. the apperance of jack combined with the already implied different world stuff in big uke's illistration basically sealed the deal and it did. they were right.
on september 28th, a day before the abema stream, the thrid trailer drops and omfg jack skelington is in the fucking trailer.
- theories
- what happened
- The Abema live stream: anime pv, in game trailer, name, and more
- what happened
- on september 29th, the abema live stream aired. its region locked to japan so i set my alarm to 3am and fiverishly refreshed th emost recent results for "twst" on twitter the moment it started. within minutes big ukes live2d model was revealed. keeping up with the new live2d model animations set by fellow honest the previous year, they did not disapoint. his animations were fluid and expressive and cute GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA at this point it was too late for me it was over. minutes later it was revealed to be a lost in the book event with its full title being "Lost in the book with Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: begining of Halloween." BRO. more minutes and whats this!!?!??!? his name has been revealed and its SKULLY J. GRAVES!??!?!??!?! SKULLY J. FUCKING GRAVES!!>?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!???!? fucking adorable there was no hope for me now i was fully gone and i was loving it. long with his name his full main vizual was revealed along with the event logo including its stupidly long name. jack, sally, and zero's in game illistrations were also revealed confirming their apperances in the event. at around 30 minutes into the stream the card vharacter line up and illistrations were revealed wooo yay thats great DID YOU SEE THAT SKULLY ANIMATION!!?!?!?!? HOLY FUCKING SHIT HES THE MOST ADORABLE THING IVE EVER SEEN OUHMYGYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ahem... at some point..? i believe it was at the start but i saw it later, the anime pv came out OMG jack was just fucking around but SKULLY AT THE END THE WAY HE PUSHED UP HIS SHADES THEN GOT JUMPSCARED BY JACK GYAAAAAAAAAAAA KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and the stream wrapped up and the event announcements and anime pv were posted to the official twst jp twitter. WOW WAS THAT A STREAM GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
- aftermath and theories
jack being included in the evnt greatly widened the possibilities for skully since technically he didnt need to be twisted from jack since he was already there. it was confirmed in the stream his design was based of jack but he could be so much more than just a twist at this point.
misc ponits and thoughts:
-he has rings/a spiral in his eye and pointy lower lashes, no eyebrows? maybe?
-does the event take place after the movie if so is he still a national threat to the usa.
-he definately looks like jacks pumpkin king apprentice or something like that
-further more, could he actually be jack and sallys child? skully sounds like sally and skull is skeleton related..... if so hes probably adopted because theres no way jack skellington gave girth to an anime boy.. wait WHATS THAT ON THE JACK SKELLINGTON WIKI H EHAD 4-5 KIDS?!?!??!?!?!? EXUSE ME!?!??!?!??! HE HAD 4-5 SKELETON KIDS AND THE MOTHE IS UNKNOWN!?!?!??!?!? DID JACKS KELLINGTON GIVE BIRTH!??!?!?!?!??!?!?
-with all of those previous points combined,, i think he could be competing with his siblings to become the pumpkin king OR he is the chosen successor to jack and is trying his best to meet expectations... the PUMPKIN PRINCE PERHAPS..... based on how he looks in the anime pv hes young and inexperienced but wants to be scary, he wants to be the best pumpkin but needs more practice. this lines up with jacks character and how he hated the pressure of being pumpkin king. following that logic he might want to be something else and not scary
-with the jack and skully apprentice/son theory set up and the fact jack could still be considered a public enemy #1 see image 3 under pics for my current understanding of their dynamic
jack being included in the evnt greatly widened the possibilities for skully since technically he didnt need to be twisted from jack since he was already there. it was confirmed in the stream his design was based of jack but he could be so much more than just a twist at this point.
- pics
- what happened
- The event: Lost in the book with Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: begining of Halloween