this is my portfolio page because i need to lock the fuck in and set up web site and rainmeter commissions
uh static web page
"Rainmeter allows you to display customizable skins on your desktop, from hardware usage meters to fully functional audio visualizers.
You are only limited by your imagination and creativity."
uhm ive been wanting to do commissions for a while and didnt get around to it because stuff with being a minor and just not really having a place to start but im 18 now and am going to graduate high school in a few months so i am forcing myself to lock in since there isnt really anything stopping me now i set up a cash app and yeeeeeeeaaaaaa
i want to do static web page commissions but i cannot stress enough that i have no idea where to start i have no idea how to price things and dont know where to look becuase want i want to do (static webpages meant for sites like neocities or nekoweb) is kinda different than more professinal freelance web stuff and i deffinately dont want tocharge $1000+ for a page and yea FUCKIG HELP ME HEEELP
rainmeter commissions
- character thing
- $10 starting price
- +$1 time and date
- +$1 cpu, ram, storage
- +$2 music player info (song title, artist, time left)
- +$3 for controls (pause/play, back/next)
- +$1 progress bar
- can add ability to skip through the song if it'll work for the design
- +$3 audio visualizer
- +$1 for specific details like different colors for the bars or bar images
- +$2 app/web shortcuts
- +$1~ for other specific things (hover/click animations, etc)
- +$2 user/pc info (username, ip address)
- provide images/fonts
- provide mockup
- squeaky toy
- $1 starting price
- provide images/fonts
- audio files
- up to 10 audio files
- +$1 for on hover/click animations
game UI themed meter
- $15 starting price
- provide images/fonts
- provide examples of how it looks (images or videos)
- +$1 time and date
- +$1 cpu, ram, storage
- +$3 music player
- +$3 audio visualizer
- +$1 for specific details like different colors for the bars or bar images
- +$2 app shortcuts
- +$1~ for other specific things (hover/click animations, etc)
- +$2 user/pc info (username, ip address)
- random image slideshow
- $5
- can be a folder on your computer or specific images
- ❗️if specific images you must provide them
- up to 15 images
- static image
- $1
- provide images/fonts
- +$0.50 for on hover/click animations
✣ provide graphics and fonts by giving me a link to where i can download them (google drive, file garden, tumblr, something else)
✣ info like cpu, ram, date, time, music, etc anything that appears as text can have specific text, ex: "it is February, 25th, 2025. lets have fun today" or "you're listening to ai catch by GOATBED! can i listen too?"
✣ for date and time you should specify the format ex: "December 31, 2025" vs "12/31/25" and "1:36pm" vs "13:36" etc